Perth Amboy Magnet School Culinary
10/11th Grade 1st Marking Period
International Cuisine
Each pair of students will be assigned One Country in which to research all aspects of the country, produce a 18 slide PowerPoint, Prezi or Sway to include the following.
1. Geographic aspects
2. Historical Aspects
3. Cuisine and how these first two influence the food
4. Spices and Herbs that are predominately used in the cuisine
5. What different dining etiquette each country follows
6. Lunch menu that can be reproduced for two days.
7. Soup and Salad
8. Entrées, with at least one vegetarian
9. Buffet, sit down or family style (Your Choice)
10. Dessert, two of them
11. Recipe should yield 40 portions when submitting, all recipes need to be submitted
Also you will need one 5 question quiz and one 15 question test on separate sheets that can be reproduced and will be used. You will present the PowerPoint to the class as the teacher. You will also grade quizzes or tests for them.
1st Day-
Second Day-
Due Oct.-30th
20%- PowerPoint, Prezi or Sway
10%- Quiz
10%- Test
10%- Recipes
20%- Presentation of PowerPoint
30%- Lunch Prep and Service
Grade 11 Second Marking Period
Resume Writing
Each student will learn how to prepare a Professional Resume along with Cover Letter. Using the Books provided by the Library you will write a proper Objective relevant to the type of job you are applying for. Also decide which items you have for your resume as far as past jobs, awards etc.
Using you can go step by step adding items to be used in your resume.
The first day (January) in the Library you will gather all information for your resume. You will then present a hand written rough draft for grading by.
The second day (January) you will type all information for the resume and present a finished product by
Grade 11 3rd Marking Period
Applying for a Job
Using 3 sources (Internet, Newspaper) you are to find 5 jobs that you feel you are qualified for and would like to apply. Answer all of these questions Attached in your own words for ONE job as if they were asking you these in an interview. You must have a proper MLA format bibliography for each source. This should be written in Times New Roman font 12 and double spaced
March 7th-Library to look for jobs
March 22nd-To finish typing
April 6th- Report Due
30%-Updated Resume
50%-Interview Questions/Bibliography
20%-Appropriate Jobs applying for
Stephen J. Moir
Culinary Arts Teache
1. What situations kept you from fulfilling your job duties or from coming to work on time at your last job?
2. Describe a recent problem you had with one of your Teachers. Listen and then ask, how did you handle it?
3. What about your character makes you a good candidate for this job?
4. Priorities often change suddenly throughout the day. If you are asked to quickly do another task, how does that affect your mood? What if it's the third time before noon?
5. How have you responded in the past when you found another employee was stealing?
6. During the last year, when your replacement hasn’t shown up and your manager asked you to stay late, what percentage of the time have you stayed late?
7. Think about the last time your Culinary Instructor critiqued your work. How did you respond?
8. Give an example of when you did something without being asked. Can you give me another example?
Everybody misses work sometimes. What are some legitimate reasons to miss work?
Why do you think dependability is important for a restaurant cook?
When you do not show up for work, how does it affect your co-workers?
How many excused and unexcused absences did you have the last two years of school?
Could I call your Instructor and ask how your attendance was and what would they tell me about your attendance?
What about your character would help you do this job day in and day out?
The restaurant is busy, you’re tired, short-handed and you haven’t had a day off in six days. How does this affect your work and attitude?
What would your reaction be if your replacement didn’t show up?
What steps would you take to insure your job is done in your allotted amount of time?
What would you do if a delivery driver accidentally left double the number of an item that his company charges us a lot of money for?
How do you respond when your manager changes your shift on short notice?
How do you handle working with a co-worker you are not fond of?
If another work needs help in order to get a job finished on time, what would you do?
What do you feel you offer my establishment?
How are you at working with other people?
What is your best attribute?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?
What did you learn from your schooling that will help you in the culinary field?
What is your dream job?
How much are you looking to make?
Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?
Tell me something about you that I would not know from your resume?
11th Grade 4th Marking Period
Food Science
1. Cooking and Chemistry how are they intertwined? (Podcast and Lab)
a. History (Herve This, Ferran Adria, Einstein?)
b. Experiment (explain and demonstrate lab)
c. Podcast showing one new trend
d. Current Chefs using science and food together
e. Molecular gastronomy, culinology
Lab Template
Lab Rubric