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Grade 9

2nd Marking Period

Report on Vegetables


Due January ? 


You will be assigned a Vegetable from the list below. You are to use three resources from the library to finish the questions below, no internet allowed. The report is to be typed in Times New Roman font 12, double spaced. You must have Bibliography for each resource. The report including bibliography must be 5 pages. Do not staple the report but attach with a paper clip or folder.


We will be in the Library on January to retrieve all information and also on January to type the rough draft. If more time is needed the Library is open before and after school for your convenience.




10%-Class work on January

20%-Rough Draft (Hand Written) due January

10%-Cover Page and Bibliography

10%-Correct Content

10%-Class Work January


DUE January


This will count for 2 test grades and for each day late for whatever reason will result in a 10 point deduction of final grade. If no report is handed in you will receive an incomplete for the marking period which will exclude you from any extracurricular activities and also at the end of the year a loss of credit for the year.


Questions to be answered within the report-


1.     What is the History behind the vegetable?

2.     Where is the vegetable grown (What climates, regions, countries)?

3.     What are the favored cooking techniques used? Which do you prefer?

4.     What type of cuisine is the vegetable commonly used?

5.     Is the Vegetable used in different cultures? How? 

6.     Have you ever had this vegetable and if so, did you like it?

7.     Give me one recipe using the vegetable

8.     *Try to find one medicinal aspect of this vegetable used throughout the years, this will be extra credit 


1.     Eggplant -

2.     Bok Choy -

3.     Rutabaga- 

4.     Beets- 

5.     Okra- 

6.     Leeks- 

7.     Arugula- 

8.     Fava Bean- 

9.     Swiss Chard- 

10.  Artichoke-l

11.  Broccoli Raab- 

12.  Mizuna- 

13.  Endive-

14.  Parsnips-


9th Grade 3rd Marking Period

3rd Marking Period Report

You will need to prepare a Website with both Internet and Mobile viewing to present to the class on what is expected of students entering and succeeding in Culinary Arts. Explain what is needed to get a good grade daily, weekly and monthly. Explain the uniform procedure, daily work; cleaning etc.

This should be an informative and instructional piece that will be used for future rotations and incoming 8th grade3rs to understand our shop

To include Procedures, Safety, Uniforms, How to succeed and any other information that you feel would help them be successful.

We will be in the Library on March 7th to have groups work on the outline, layout design along with how you creatively want to show your website.  We will also be in the Library on March 22nd to finish your website and allow for you time to finish the project. This will be due in April 6th.


We will be using which is a free website with templates and designs

This will count as 2 test grades!

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